The Daoist is a ranged support class that excels at healing but also has a decent damage output against enemy mobs. the Daoist equips a bow with beads in the off hand to increase the effectiveness of his healing
Lvl 1:
- Spirit Arrow: Conjure arrows that deal slight damage to enemies, and lesser healing to allies. No cap to the number of Spirit arrows that can be held at once.
- Extract: Launch your held qi arrow forward at a reduced effectiveness
Lvl 2:
- Qilin Arrow: Conjure an arrow that does greater damage to enemies and lesser healingto allies. Low max cap.
- Diffuse: consume the held qi arrow to apply its effect to everyone in the surrounding area at a reduced effectivness
Lvl 4:
- Split Hairs: Lauch 2 arrows in rapid succession, if the second hits the same target as the first, it is 50% more effective
Lvl 6:
- Phoenix Arrow: Conure an arrow that applies a damage-over-time debuff to enemies and a regeneration effect to allies
Lvl 8:
- Arrow Fan: Launch a number (based on level) arrows forward in a fan-spread pattern
Lvl 9:
- Dao Step: Teleport a number of blocks in the direction ou are looking. You stay held in the air for 5 seconds after arriving to allow chain casting of this ability
Lvl 10:
- Tortoise Arrow: Conjure an arrow that reduces damage afflicted enemies deal to the shooter by a percentage and steals threat from allies hit
Lvl 11:
- Energize: Applies a buff to target ally, increasing thier attack speed by a percentage
Lvl 12:
- Focus: Increases effectiveness of your skills against the target ,but reduces effectiveness against non targets.
Lvl 14:
- Tiger Arrow: Conjures an arrow that shields allies from damage for a time and causes enemies to take a flat amount of bonus damage on thier next hit
Lvl 16:
- Qi Splash: Applies a buff to tthe target ,causing the mt oheal nearby allies for a percentage of the damage they take
Lvl 18:
- Dragon Arrows: Conjures arrows that prevent enemies from attackin, and restore the qi of allies
Lvl 20:
- Awareness: For a time, your arrows are 50% more effective and are not consumed when fired. However ,once the effect ends, your qi is complletely drained